This blog post is a personal NLP snapshot of what’s going around.
In between those moved by what they want and those moved by what they don’t, there happens a gap, and innocence was extinct way long ago.
I’ll explain more. In between acting moved by what one doesn’t want, and getting a clear, non-generic idea of what one wants and installing the vehicles needed for making it happen, lapses a time gap. A gap to mind, as it is what those ready wait for and ride, not to say create and ride, to skew the action result towards another outcome that those who started it might not necessarily want at all.
Now some technical stuff for the curious minds – very briefly though.
Moving away is one extreme of the motivational direction patterns people act out of. Some of us follow this pattern sometimes, while others follow it more frequently up to every time. It is when we act out of what we don’t want. A picture, an idea, a feeling, a state, a place or else, that we get an urge to move away from, to escape.
Moving toward is the other extreme of the motivational direction patterns people act out of. Some of us follow this pattern sometimes, while others follow it more frequently up to every time. It is when we act out of what we do want. A picture, an idea, a feeling, a state, a place or else, that we get an urge to move toward.
Generic, or better said, “artfully vague language” is one that is cross-contextually positive. It is so, regardless of the meaning its source charged it with. For instance: freedom. Per se, it is a vague word describing to each of us something different. Freedom of what? What form of freedom? To which extent? For what outcome? Managed by whom and how and according to what priorities?
Watch closely.
Rightful people demonstrate because they don’t want what they are living. Some power and media groups lubricate their movement and create an artfully vague outcome for them calling it something like “freedom”. The moving people, consciously or not fully yet, get skewed towards a freedom they had not yet the time to define as they are too busy burying their dead and getting more rooted in their away from pattern. Some, already ready, find in that the perfect wave to ride, towards their own well defined outcomes. They back and use their media to delete, distort and generalize – creating their picture of what’s going on and using it to sell and recruit. They interfere, block, threaten, air-raid, train, bomb, assassinate and even invade if need be. They secure their outcome and get it signed on. By the time those who first moved realize where they were driven, it is too late already. They are back to square-one, yet, with a new cast.
Look again. Play the reel of the avalanche happening around. Examples are too many to go unseen.
Think well. Strategize and prepare. Define you outcomes and your vehicles if you haven’t done so already. Mind the gap.
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Well put Wael! If individuals would put real evidence and understanding in the gap there may be fewer recruits for the militia-men. Minds are easily led – new recruits could at least question who is leading, for what purpose, and for what outcome. Could it be that the lower level intelligencia have all the weapons and communications whereas the higher level intelligencia only have their passion?
Teach your children to love one-another and the world will become a happier place to live – one where we can all take delight in and respect our differences.
You are absolutely right David, loving each others is all that we need right now…
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“trace – training and coaching executives
Bien nombreux sont dans l’histoire, les exemples de manipulations des foules.
Les foules sont comme des taureaux de corrida. Il suffit de remuer un drapeau rouge pour qu’ils foncent..
Le drapeau rouge ne s’appelle pas bandera, mais liberté, égalité, justice, ou aussi volonté divine, peuple élu, ….
La foule fonce et oublie qu’elle est manipulée par un « torero » dont elle ignore les objectifs véritables.
La foule fonce, a-t-elle conscience que ses idéologies (plus ou moins) nobles ne sont animées que pas des volontés de puissance ?
Ca renvoie à une question philosophique récurrente : l’homme est-il un dieu pour l’homme (recherche de perfection morale et humaniste, respect, justice … ) ou un loup pour l’homme ?
Apprendre à nos enfants à s’aimer !! C’est indispensable … se sont des adultes en devenir … Mais ….
Ca me rappelle le jour ou mon petit garçon de 2 ans est rentré de la garderie avec une énorme et profonde trace de dents sur le bras. Il m’a raconte qu’un petit garcon l’avait mordu. Je l’ai embrassé, l’ai consolé .. mais je ne s’avais pas trop quoi lui dire. Fallait il lui dire : « ce garcon est vilain, le pauvre, il ne sait pas qu’il ne faut pas mordre… » .. OU : « La prochaine fois qu’il te mord, tu le mords aussi, pour qu’il voit combien ca fait mal .. » ?????
Raya, I’ll answer the second bit of your comment. If you ask me, I’d say there is nothing in the world that should stop a people of a nation from defending themselves, from standing tall asking for their rights and allowing no one to barter with that right. Yet, that is when it is an outsider. What if the war was internal? What if it was what we know as a civil war? One inside families and between brothers? Unless the family is ready for division, a debate beyond this blog, then love and supreme good of the nation must find their way to the solution
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“trace – training and coaching executives