Posts Tagged ‘passionate’

“trace – training and coaching executives

September 22nd, 2010

Forever, writers of history, builders of paths, inspiring leaders have had their missions, visions and lives very well aligned.

Behind the scenes are the dreamers of “trace.

We share a mission. We share a vision. We are passionate to grow and prove ourselves. We believe in people. We believe in their capacities. We believe we all CAN if we BELIEVE we can, and WE DO.

Sometimes, tools and resources are reachable to few. Fewer, of course, are those enlightened who make use of them to become what they potentially can.

The dream was to make reachable what’s needed t unleash the potential of those who dare to seek what’s beyond. We felt concerned. We even felt responsible.

“CAN and LET CAN we decided.

That’s how it all started.

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“trace – training and coaching executives

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