3 of Many Hard-Core Life Learnings

December 21st, 2010 by Wael Leave a reply »

The insights that I shared with you in the two last blog posts, the one that I am sharing hereafter and those that I will share next happen to be from a real life story. Mine. I decided to share them because I find them crucial to be in one’s life toolbox. I also see all having one thing in common, and that is how they show the abundance of life, and how interconnected and whole its segments are and how it never stops giving us answers – that’s of course, as long as we look through curious and open eyes.

This story is a bit extreme and bears the most controversy I guess. It is that of a thought I used to get every time I was stuck climbing a mountain. Imagine this before I go on: high enough on a mountain, most times alone, no professional training, only the thrill of the adrenaline rush, climbing the last few meters that looked daring from below without the slightest calculation of the way back, getting there and feeling the bones shaking because of a no way back situation! Stupid you might argue. However, regardless of my and your judgement today, that was what’s happened. Then, came the moment of truth. What would the next move be? My mind pulled backward urging my body to undo the last action and go back to when it was secure. On the other extreme was my gut shouting: JUMP HIGHER!! More frequently than none, I took the insane jump and later on realized that it was the right thing to do given the situation I was in at the time, since, and my years witness, it got me back alive.

Learning: taking the jump that you think might kill you (vs. walking back the programmed route) could very well be what saves your (and your organization’s) life!

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  1. Raya says:

    De maniere generale l’Homme a tendance a marcher sur les sentiers battus …
    Les directives, les regles, les normes le rassurent, le securisent.
    Il y en a d’autres, qu’on appelle ironiquement “fous” mais aussi : aventuriers, innovateurs, revolutionnaires, genies, inventeurs …
    qui un jour decident de sortir des sentiers battus, qui risquent leur vie, leur fortune, leur reputation, ..
    et qui en definitif laisse une trace immuable dans l’Histoire par leurs decouvertes , leurs inventions , leurs croyances…
    Tu dois certainement faire partie de cette derniere categorie ;-)

  2. fawwaz says:

    i am tempted to say that i agree, from a personal experience with you last summer (mountain hike/climb), but my ego refuses :)

    so i’ll settle with agreeing to the metaphore of an organization, not the literal mountain climb!

  3. Wael says:

    As long as you agree…

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    “trace – training and coaching executives

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