4 of Many Hard-Core Life Learnings

December 24th, 2010 by Wael Leave a reply »

The insights that I shared with you in the last few blog posts, the one that I am sharing hereafter and those that I will share next happen to be from a real life story. Mine. I decided to share them because I find them crucial to be in one’s life toolbox. I also see all having one thing in common, and that is how they show the abundance of life, and how interconnected and whole its segments are and how it never stops giving us answers – that’s of course, as long as we look through curious and open eyes.

The story that I will share in what follows happened in a kayak during my university years. Two lessons ranked amongst the most insightful. The first was about manoeuvring your kayak to take you where you intended to go. The second was about rowing against the stream. Both had one rule: the only way to get yourself somewhere, be that with or against the stream, is by making sure you think (and sometimes row) faster than the current.

Learning: be them circumstances, fears, pleasures, peer pressures, beliefs, griefs, sadness, thoughts or emotions, let them not drag you. If you want to get yourself (or your organization) somewhere, you make sure you and not the current are the captain.

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“trace – training and coaching executives

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  1. rand says:

    Dear Wael ,
    (a spontanious reaction that i wish to share):
    I always look forward and read your posts as soon as you share them. this time i was late on the last 3 and felt teased!!! until now, as im done reading all 4.

    Merry xmas & Happy holidays!

  2. Raya says:

    La difficulte n ‘est malheureusement pas uniquement dans la prise de conscience qu’on est en train de se laisser submerger par nos emotions …
    La vraie difficulte est de gerer ses emotions, dans sa vie personnelle comme professionnelle, non?
    Comment etouffer une colere avant qu’elle ne nous etouffe?
    Comment maitriser une peur avant qu’elle ne nous maitrise?
    Comment eteindre sa tristesse avant qu’elle n’eteigne notre coeur ?
    Quoi qu’il en soit .. on peut relier tes deux dernieres publications …
    Pour atteindre les objectifs qu’on s’est fixe, il faut non seulement avoir le courage de ne pas marcher dans les sentiers battus, mais il faut aussi se donner la force de nager a contre courant …
    Ce n’est plus un marathon .. mais un presque un triathlon ;-)
    Bon courage et Bon Noel a tous !

  3. Wael says:

    Thank you very much Rand for sharing this.. it’s a real honor to know that.. Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you and your loved ones as well….

    Thank you for joining the conversation, please click the “like” button and “share” this blog post to make sure others see it too; and remember to “register” your email at http://www.waelelhelou.com/blog not to miss any blog post and to make sure you get notified on time.


    “trace – training and coaching executives

  4. Wael says:

    Des blogs sur le sujet de maitrise de l’état émotionnel vont suivre alors restes brancher…

    Thank you for joining the conversation, please click the “like” button and “share” this blog post to make sure others see it too; and remember to “register” your email at http://www.waelelhelou.com/blog not to miss any blog post and to make sure you get notified on time.


    “trace – training and coaching executives

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