1 of Many Hard-Core Life Learnings

December 14th, 2010 by Wael Leave a reply »

The insights that I am about to share with you in this and few of the following blog posts happen to be from a real life story. Mine, in fact. They are insights I had while learning or practicing particular sports (except for one that happened while I was watching one).

I decided to share them for the importance they play in my life today as well as for what I find common to them all, which is how abundant life is, and how interconnected and whole its segments are and how it never stops giving us answers – that’s of course, as long as we look through curious and open eyes.

The first of these stories is that of an ankle I almost broke during a tournament’s most important basket ball game that I played when I was 18 years old. The resulting pain was too alarming to ignore but not as alarming as the size of my determination and my ego. I acted as if the pain did not exist and continued the game on an injury. And lost. Later on, I got a cast and still disregarded the danger and played various games as if nothing was wrong. Breaking my leg again while it was still casted delayed the recovery time and led, years later, to a permanent weakness in my ankle that I now can hardly use to play sports that I would have loved to play a lot more of.

Learning: ignoring a weakness and acting as if it did not exist cripples you over the long run – you and your organisation.

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“trace – training and coaching executives

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  1. Rand says:

    Very true my friend!
    As i was reading I recalled what all trainers tell us”always listen to your body”.
    The thing is, we listen, we ignore, we regret a permanent injury!!!
    & it’s a vicious circle ,it never stopped!!!

  2. margaret kanaan says:

    this is so true…yo have to listen towhat yor body tells you..its the only thing that is yours…be kind to yourself.

  3. Raya says:

    Une fois de plus merci de partager tes experiences … Elles permettent a chaque fois de prendre un peu de recul … de faire « pause » dans le tourbillon de nos vies..

    1) On oublie que la vie et celle d’une entreprise, n’est pas un sprint mais un marathon. Il faut donc entretenir, menager, soigner, reparer la « machine » regulierement pour du long terme.
    2) Il faut toujours et regulierement effectuer une SWOT analysis qui permet de connaitre/admettre ses faiblesses et trouver des solutions. C’est valable autant pour une entreprise que lorsqu’on effectue des bilans personnels .
    3) C’est si rare d’apprendre de ses erreurs … C’est l’orgueil nous entraine a minimiser nos faiblesses.. dans certaines situations il est interessant de rester modeste et indulgents .

  4. Wael says:

    Marguerite and Rand: The thing is that it’s not just our body we need to listen to… Sometimes these flows that we ignore as if they were not are in our relationships, sometimes they are in our career, in our development as people, or anywhere else in our lives… we ignore them and then fall and lose when it’s suddenly too late to do anything about it…

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    “trace – training and coaching executives

  5. Wael says:


    Thank you for joining the conversation, please click the “like” button and “share” this blog post to make sure others see it too; and remember to “register” your email at http://www.waelelhelou.com/blog not to miss any blog post and to make sure you get notified on time.


    “trace – training and coaching executives

  6. fawwaz says:

    sweaping it under the rug.

  7. Wael says:

    Well I guess it all depends on how big the rug is and who’s treading on it…

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    “trace – training and coaching executives

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