My Last Week’s Epic Off-Site Facilitation

November 8th, 2010 by Wael Leave a reply »

Last week was a landmark in my journey as a facilitator and coach. It was a landmark for 2 reasons. One because the off-site facilitation ran from 9 till 12 (midnight, that is!). Two, which is more important, it was of epic magnitude for the client whose management team witnessed a transformation that is going to – if pursued – mark them for life.

The morning session was a struggle. It was a wrestle between exercises pushing participants to open up and them resisting by all means. The process was stiff, draining and tough. The end was a good level of openness and unusual sharing of personal concerns, experiences and weaknesses and established an acceptable level of “vulnerability-based trust.” Inspired by Patrick Lencioni’s The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team, the off-site still had to achieve an overcoming of 4 more dysfunctions (in addition to the covered absence of trust) which are fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability, and inattention to results.

The trip was one of metamorphosis that is now up to the team to take to reality, pursue and reap the benefits of. It ran slower than planned (obviously) and it was the eagerness of the team to do what it takes and not to let go of any conversation before it achieves its full purpose that made it as long and as fruitful at the same time.

It included commitments to change individual behaviors that hinder the performance of the team, a public lateral 180 degrees feedback session where every participant shared his view of a strength and a development area of another, and among the most rewarding, 6 participants (3 x 2) leveling with each other and working out resolutions for relationships that had been broken for a long time.

Those who came in skeptical left with trust, those who came in scattered left aligned and those who came in with broken relationships left conversing.

Leveling with others and having real, unmasked conversations, as Suzan Scott calls them in Fierce Conversations, has an inherent power of achievement that remains unknown to those who never have them.

It is witnessing such transformations that first drove me into this career and that today fuel my motivation to go on. What’s left is up to the team to pursue, keep alive, adopt as a way of doing things, and drive to results and returns. I wish them the best of luck in their journey that has just begun.

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“trace – training and coaching executives

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  1. David Molden says:

    Wael, as I read your account of the progress made I could feel your driving force in recognising the potential in each individual, and having an instinct for how to help knock down blockades and build bridges to understanding and truth.

    Human potential is often the unseen resource in many teams – but you can sense it. Knowing how to pace and lead a team to a higher purpose is a great skill.

    Nice job!

  2. Raya says:

    Tout D’abord Bravo !!! Quelle excitation de pouvoir constater si vite l’efficacite de son travailler, de pouvoir gouter si vite aux fruits de son labeur …. !!!!

    Au sein des entreprises on entend souvent dire que si l’on pouvait se passe de salaries ca reglerait bien des problemes : problemes de rentabilites, d’erreurs, de gestion, de place, de greves.. .
    Depuis la fin du 19 eme siecle ont tend a remplacer l’homme par la machine.
    Et aujourd’hui encore, les vagues de licenciement que l’on constate confirment cette opinion.
    Or, se sont bien les hommes qui innovent, se sont bien les hommes qui créent, se sont bien les hommes qui negocient, se sont bien les hommes qui detiennent cette alchimie qui permet aux mecanismes economiques de fonctionner.
    Donc oui … l’homme a un potentiel enorme..
    Mais ….
    Pour reprendre quelques mots de ton recit …l’homme est souvent dans le doute, la frilosite, la crainte, l’introversion ….
    Et pour qu’il permette a son « potentiel » de s’epanouir il faut l’aider…
    Je retiens de ton texte les solutions : Confiance, communication, motivation …
    Certe .. mais dans quel ordre… ? Tout ceci me semble si solidement imbrique.. Comme si j’avais entre les mais une pelote de fils de laine, ….et que je ne savais pas quel fil tirer pour defaire la pelote …
    Sans confiance peu de communication, sans communication pas de confiance, la motivation est certe issue de la confiance, mais quand on est motive souvent on devient confiant et on communique d’avantage …

    Quelle formule magique permet de tout demeler en meme temps ?

    Toi .. tu l’as certainement trouvee … Ton recit en est la preuve .. alors .. je ne peux que renouveller mon Bravo !

  3. Ghida Husseini says:

    I would like to congratulate you for your ability for touching all the people you mentioned and in being able to identify and remove the obstacles that were standing in the way of their personal growth. Having said that, I wish you all the best and hope you persevere, because I know how much that kind of workshops is needed in dear Lebanon! Don’t forget to enjoy the journey and make it a constant learning experience!

    All the best

  4. Wael says:

    Dear David,

    Reading appreciating words coming from someone who happens to be my friend, my colleague, my trainer and my mentor, mean a lot to me. Thank you.

    Am looking forward to our next conversation.

    Very Best,

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    “trace – training and coaching executives

  5. Wael says:


    Une grande partie des recettes que tu cherches toujours (depuis plus longtemps que ce blog d’ailleurs) se trouve dans une science ou plut tôt une technologie comme l’appelle mon coach, qui s’appelle NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming ou Programmation Neurolinguistique).

    Mais autant que c’est une science, c’est aussi une expérience qui murit autant qu’on pratique.

    Alors tu n’a qu’à participer au prochain NLP Practitioner Workshop a Beyrouth :-) et puis commencer tes essaies.

    Restes brancher pour plus…

    Encore un merci pour toi.

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    “trace – training and coaching executives

  6. Wael says:

    Dear Ghida,

    Thank you for being constantly present in the conversation. Your comments make a big difference. And yes, a lot of trust building and opening up and conversations in needed in Lebanon. And as it is no secret to anyone, it’s up to us!

    Very Best,

    Thank you for joining the conversation, please click the “like” button and “share” this blog post to make sure others see it too; and remember to “register” your email at not to miss any blog post and to make sure you get notified on time.


    “trace – training and coaching executives

  7. Raya says:

    En attendant que je puisse participer a la formation (ou seminaire) as-tu des livres (en francais de preference) a me conseiller ?

  8. Wael says:

    Je te conseil de commencer par “Brilliant NLP” par David Molden et Pat Hutchinson mais je ne sais pas si tu peux le trouver en français.

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    “trace – training and coaching executives

  9. Raya says:

    Merci Wael,
    J’ai verifie, celui ci n’existe pas en francais…
    Il ne me reste plus qu’a assister a une formation. Quelles sont les prochaines dates ?

  10. Wael says:

    Restes brancher sur la page de “trace sur facebook. On va poster tous les seminaires avec les dates…

    Adresse de la page:

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    “trace – training and coaching executives

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